The Dream...
Since I was a young boy I've loved books. Children's classics like Biggles, the Famous Five and the Secret Seven, Willard Price's "Hal and Roger" series. The list goes on. But at some point I found a fascination for Sci-Fi, reading it almost to the exclusion of everything else for some years. Nowadays I'll read anything, but I still love classic Sci-Fi and I've always wanted to write some.
As a teenager I wrote a few short shorts, just for myself, and a few magazine articles for Wired, GQ and a few others. Much of my working life has been spent writing something - carefully crafted emails, for one thing. I can write! It's just time that I'm short of. This is the theory.
So I promised myself one thing: I would make the time. I would write a novel, even if nobody ever read it but me. I admit, I'm rubbish at focusing on one thing for any length of time. Which doesn't bode well for a novel. I keep telling myself I'm in no hurry, but I'm impatient.
Currently, "Children of Earth" is very much work in progress. I've formed the characters, I've created the environment and the action is moving apace. I reckon I'm about half way through and still struggling to visualise even the next chapter. Somehow, I've been working like that since Chapter One. Is this normal?! I have no idea, but so far it seems to be working. The storyline is unfolding before me, sometimes it needs a bit of extra encouragement. Long may this continue!
Watch this space for teasers.